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High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W

Now for the standard scary warnings and such:
1) You Are over 18 and know the potential hazards inherent in high power laser equipment. THERE ARE NO "OOPS THAT WAS BRIGHT" SECOND CHANCES WITH THIS LASER! A single careless glance into the beam or it's reflection WILL PERMINANTLY BLIND YOU FOREVER! To the eye the scattered output looks as bright as a red laser pointer, but that same "weak looking" beam will light a piece of cardboard on fire in about 1/4 of a second!
3)The energy is sufficient that this laser will damage and render useless sensitive items like photo detectors, most non-thermal laser power meters, and security cameras from direct exposure to the beam.
4) The energy is sufficient that the beam will cause a severe burn if you get zapped by it, and is of sufficient power that a fire hazard could exist. DO NOT use near flammable materials!
5)You WILL use this device in a safe and sane manner for a legal purpose.
Picture 1 is the diode close up BURNING some dark plastic, as you can see i used a fan to suck the smoke away, it burned through almost instantly!
Picture 2 & 3 is the diode shown lasing- my camera sees this laser as purplish pink, but color is a deep barely visible red actuality- as you can see there are no dead zones in the emitter.
Picture 4 is the laser's power being measured.

High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W High power burning coherent laser diode 808NM dpss 25W